This social network has been created for those who are interested in being apart of a Human Design community. Whether you are new to Human Design or already familiar with this system and tool for self-empowerment, this is a space where you can connect with other individuals and build authentic relationships from the foundation of being your unique self without fear of judgment. Building relationships using Human Design promotes transparency, openness, honesty, healthy boundaries and awareness of the genetic needs of yourself and the other. This lessens the tension in newly established connections and minimizes the need to wear a mask or try to be someone you’re not. Many of us have never experienced authentic healthy relationships with others due to not knowing, trusting, liking or loving ourselves. Human Design shows you just how unique you are and encourages you to align with and accept yourself to bring out the best in you.

The awareness that is gained from Human Design broadens and enlightens our perspectives on ourselves, others and life itself. It provides logical understanding and practical solutions to common and rare human issues. Asking questions and sharing experiences with others who have genetic similarities to you, or genetic differences that you wish to know more about, grants you direct access to higher levels of useful information that applies to your needs.  There are many groups available to join which accommodate different unique aspects of your design.

As this community continues to grow, so will the categories of interest including groups for Incarnation Crosses. If you know others who may find interest and benefit from this social networking platform, please feel free to share. We look forward to connecting with you!


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©2025 Free Your Mind to Shine ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Asiya FYMTS

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